Dec 31, 2014
Do you feel closed in? Do you want to leave the planet because of war, terrorism, violence and xenophobia? The concept that captures this tendency is claustropolitanism. Steve and Tara discuss claustropolitanism, and the popular cultural texts that capture it: Top of the Lake, Breaking Bad, The Tunnel, Orange is the...
Dec 31, 2014
These theoretical times are also accelerated times. What is the role of momentum and speed in our understanding of identity and popular culture? Tara and Steve talk about accelerated culture and accelerationism, and the countervailing forces of slow culture and slow...
Dec 30, 2014
What happens to a working class when there is no longer work? How do we think about middle class in relation to a digitized, globalized, casual workplace? Steve and Tara talk about reproletarianization and its relationship with Guy...
Dec 30, 2014
How did the Global Financial Crisis impact on our understandings of social relationships and identity? Has foreclosure become a 'global condition'? Tara and Steve probe the concept of foreclosure and its relevance to theoretical times.
Dec 29, 2014
Why are methods so boring in the contemporary university? How can the theories of method be enlivened and enlivening in the humanities and social sciences? Steve and Tara translate and transform Paul Virilio's Bunker Archaeology to develop a new way of thinking about space, identity, ethnography and...