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Tara Brabazon podcast

Apr 19, 2020

For this third reading group, as part of the Virtual not Viral project, our community reads the edited collection from Peter Meusburger, Michael Heffernan and Laura Suarsana:  Geographies of the University.

Apr 19, 2020

This second reading group podcast, as part of the Virtual not Viral intervention in doctoral education during the period of the corona virus, explore John McGowan's Democracy's Children:  Intellectuals and the Rise of Cultural Politics.  Please note:  expletives used during this discussion.

Apr 19, 2020

Through the corona virus, the Office of Graduate Research at Flinders University ran a weekly reading group, exploring the nature of the higher education sector and workforce.  The first book was edited by Nancy Gleason:  Higher Education in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Apr 19, 2020

How can great students find you - and you find them?  Interface management is integral to the creation of a strong supervisory profile.  This flipped supervisory training session explores some concrete strategies - today - to build your PhD supervisory interface to attract students to your research.

Apr 15, 2020

Narelle, Jamie and Tara talk about Narelle's first draft.  Particularly, they discuss the final drafting stages of a PhD during social distancing and working from home.  What lessons can be learned from these unique challenges?