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Tara Brabazon podcast

Apr 17, 2011

Tara Brabazon talks with Faracy Grouse about her sonic intervention.  They discuss the challenges involved in transforming strong artefacts into strong research.

Apr 17, 2011

How do we open out universities to enable rather than disable?  Tara Brabazon explores options in developing a rich sensory environment to enliven a learning environment for all students.

Apr 13, 2011

In this sixth session for his MA Creative Media dissertation, Mick Winter and Tara Brabazon discuss how his research is to be presented.  Once the artefacts are finished, how does it link with the exegesis?

Apr 13, 2011

What is the relationship between popular and unpopular culture?  Put another way, how does one song become a chart success and others do not?  Tara talks about Ron Sexsmith's career and his new release Long Player Late Bloomer to explore how great music can become popular music.