Nov 27, 2014
How do we align and enhance conventional scientific knowledge and indigenous knowledges? Nicholas Ruddell has taken on this challenge for his PhD. His goal is to help students and teachers align and combine world views to create an intellectual environment of excitement, motivation, knowledge and...
Nov 27, 2014
What role should early childhood educators hold in play? Tara talks with Kelly Tribolet about how to increase the movement, confidence and skill of children as they move their bodies through space.
Nov 26, 2014
Anne has entered the analogue and digital archive to follow the traces of Terence Johnson. Most famous for his book Professions and Power, Anne is exploring with Tara and Steve how much of this sociologist's career has survived in the present.
Nov 24, 2014
Anne talks with Tara and Steve about her professionalism research in early childhood education. This has been a crucial week. Anne has captured the key argument of her main theorist. She knows him so well, she can tweet her thesis statement.
Nov 23, 2014