Nov 29, 2016
What happens to part-time PhD students through a milestone process? Tara talks about the use and value of interim milestones
Nov 29, 2016
Tara talks about the final PhD Milestone that moves student from candidature to examination. She also talks about this challenging moment for students and supervisors and strategies to make this easier.
Nov 29, 2016
Tara talks about the 'difficult middle child' in the PhD Milestone Management System: the mid-candidature review. What are key tactics and strategies to enable completion of a PhD and success through the processes?
Nov 28, 2016
Tara introduces the first milestone in Flinders University's new Milestone system. The first milestone - in the first year - is Confirmation of Candidature.
Nov 28, 2016
Flinders University is introducing milestones in 2017. Tara introduces a quick series on each of the milestones. This first session asks why milestones are necessary, and their value to learning, teaching, students and supervisors.